5 Ways to Create the Best Possible Calls-to-Action

7 min readAug 17, 2022


Calls to action (CTAs) can make or break a sale. If your call to action isn’t enticing enough, the user won’t fill out that form, click your ad, or sign up for your newsletter. Learning how to write effective calls to action is essential to the success of your website.

Without these kinds of actions, it will be difficult to keep your business growing continuously.

That’s why it’s so important to create effective calls to action for your website. In this blog we will look at:

  • what is a call to action
  • different kinds of CTAs
  • how to write a call to action
  • how you can make sure your CTAs are effective.

What Exactly Is A Call To Action?

As the name suggests, a CTA is anything that entices users to take action on your website. Calls to action are intended to prompt the user to complete an action, either at the start of the journey (TOFU) or at the end of the journey (BOFU).

Both options bring the user closer to conversion.

What is a TOFU event? When we talk about marketing, we like to think about our marketing funnel. At the top of the funnel, we see the surface level actions taking place.

At the bottom we see that conversions are being made — BOFU actions.

A TOFU CTA simply introduces users to delve a little deeper into your services. With a call to action, we don’t necessarily expect the user to convert the moment they fill out the contact form, but a TOFU action will take them mid-way through the journey where they learn more about your company, and eventually to the end of the journey where they become a loyal paying customer.

Here are some examples of TOFU CTAs:

  • Give me more information!
  • Sign me up!
  • Download our free ebook!
  • Do you love our products? Click here to learn more!
  • Get a free guide!

BOFU CTAs are CTAs that actually entice users to make a purchase or become a client. These CTAs look a little different.

Here are some examples:

  • Buy now!
  • Submit my payment
  • I’m ready to be a partner!

Without effective CTAs on your website, you won’t be able to attract your most valuable customers into your marketing funnel, and they’re unlikely to convert.

So How Important Are CTAs?

As we mentioned, without clicking on some kind of call to action, the user is unlikely to become a paying customer.

One piece of information we can glean from CTAs is what the user is interested in. So it’s safe to assume that if a user clicks on a CTA that allows them to submit their email address to receive future communications from your company, they’ll be interested in learning more.

If they click the call-to-action button on one of your ads, they’re probably closer to the end of the journey than you might have thought.

Calls to action allow you to measure the interest a user has in your company and based on which calls to action they click, in the marketing funnel. That’s why knowing how to create a good call to action is so important for your website.

We can only get all this information from the CTAs on your website. However, if the CTA is not effective, none of these important facts will be learned.

5 Ways To Write Effective Calls To Action

First and foremost, a sign of CTA success is clicks. Your main goal is to get people to click on the CTA on your website.

But how do you write a good call to action? How do you convert those leads into leads/sales?

Let’s take a look at some of the more detailed aspects of CTAs that make them successful.

1. They Get Straight To The Point

When you present an offer to your website users, they want a brief version of your offer. They don’t want to be burdened with long-winded CTAs. Although there is no official word count for the most successful calls to action, you want to make sure you don’t lose visitors to confusing calls to action.

State what the CTA is for and keep the button short and to the point.

2. They Stand Out From The Rest Of The Page

If you create a call to action that is the same color as the background of the page it is on, it will definitely get lost on the page.

Successful calls to action have a color that contrasts with the rest of the page, making them stand out. That being said, red — the color most likely to stand out on any page — is one of the most effective colors for CTAs.

However, this was not always the case in the case study collection. This means that you should always A/B test the color of your buttons before deciding what color is right for your site.

The green and orange buttons are also said to be great for being notoriously clicky.

3. They Are A/B Tested

We mentioned A/B testing in the last paragraph and it’s something worth talking about.

A/B testing is so important for CTA buttons because we know that CTAs are extremely important to your marketing journey.

An A/B test allows you to pit two different buttons against each other and decide which one is the most effective and gets the most clicks. This allows you to actually come up with the best option for your button instead of just guessing.

With an A/B test, you can test the following:

  • Best location
  • The best color
  • Best size
  • First class content
  • Best button text

4. They Show The User What It Offers For Them

If you only use words that promote clicks, such as “click here”, “download” or “request”, you may not get the highest number of clicks possible.

Instead, you should show the user what’s in it for them by making the button interesting. Use phrases like “download to learn more…”, “grow your business by contacting us” or “give me more results” so that the user can see on the outside what the click of a button can do for them.

This is really what separates the regular CTAs from the ones that convert users. Without you seeing the value in your offer/service, the chances of them buying or even wanting to learn more are greatly reduced.

5. They Are In The Right Place And Size On Your Page

Placement and size are very important to make your CTA as effective as possible.

When it comes to placement, you want to consider what you’re asking the user to do and where they’re most likely to press that button in your content.

For example, if you’re creating a call to action to sign up for a free guide to the perfect winged eyeliner, the best place for that CTA would be after a paragraph describing the difficulty of creating the perfect winged effect.

If you place this call to action at the bottom of the page, visitors may miss it.

However, if you’re asking users to take a general action like filling out a contact form, the bottom of the page would be a great place. They’ve just finished reading your fantastic blog and now it’s time to find out more about your company by filling out the contact form.

The size of your CTAs is also important. There is such a thing as too big — when your call to action is so big that users mistake it for a banner headline or ad and read it, that’s a problem.

You want to make sure your call to action is big enough that it doesn’t get lost on the page, but not too big to be ignored.

When it comes to size, you also need to make sure the button on the CTA is large enough to be clicked — even on mobile devices.

This could be a huge pitfall if you create a button that is too small for people to click on small touch screens.

Need help creating effective calls to action?

Want to convert more leads but not sure how to write a good call to action?

If you’re struggling to write and find ways to create effective calls to action for your business, Xekera can help! Our team of marketers understand the pros and cons of creating CTAs that convert.

We make sure they are written for your audience, responsive and most importantly — effective.

Contact us online or call us today at (408) 982–5851!

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